Module darkfi::validator::verification

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Verification functions


  • Apply given producer Transaction to the provided overlay, without formal verification. Returns transaction signature public key. Additionally, append its hash to the provided Merkle tree.
  • Apply given Transaction to the provided overlay. Additionally, append its hash to the provided Merkle tree.
  • Apply given set of Transaction in sequence, without formal verification. In case any of the transactions fail, they will be returned to the caller as an error. Additionally, their hash is appended to the provided Merkle tree.
  • A block is considered valid when the following rules apply: 1. Block version is correct for its height 2. Parent hash is equal to the hash of the previous block 3. Block height increments previous block height by 1 4. Timestamp is valid based on PoWModule validation 5. Block hash is valid based on PoWModule validation Additional validity rules can be applied.
  • A blockchain is considered valid, when every block is valid, based on validate_block checks. Be careful as this will try to load everything in memory.
  • Verify given BlockInfo, and apply it to the provided overlay.
  • Verify given checkpoint BlockInfo, and apply it to the provided overlay.
  • Verify given genesis BlockInfo, and apply it to the provided overlay.
  • Verify block proposer signature, using the producer transaction signature as signing key over blocks header hash.
  • Verify WASM execution, signatures, and ZK proofs for a given producer Transaction, and apply it to the provided overlay. Returns transaction signature public key. Additionally, append its hash to the provided Merkle tree.
  • Verify given Proposal against provided consensus state, A proposal is considered valid when the following rules apply: 1. Proposal hash matches the actual block one 2. Block transactions don’t exceed set limit 3. Block is valid Additional validity rules can be applied.
  • Verify WASM execution, signatures, and ZK proofs for a given Transaction, and apply it to the provided overlay. Additionally, append its hash to the provided Merkle tree.
  • Verify a set of Transaction in sequence and apply them if all are valid. In case any of the transactions fail, they will be returned to the caller as an error. If all transactions are valid, the function will return the total gas used and total paid fees from all the transactions. Additionally, their hash is appended to the provided Merkle tree.