Constant darkfid::CONFIG_FILE_CONTENTS

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pub(crate) const CONFIG_FILE_CONTENTS: &str = "## darkfid configuration file\n##\n## Please make sure you go through all the settings so you can configure\n## your daemon properly.\n##\n## The default values are left commented. They can be overridden either by\n## uncommenting, or by using the command-line.\n\n# Blockchain network to use\nnetwork = \"testnet\"\n\n# Localnet blockchain network configuration\n[network_config.\"localnet\"]\n# JSON-RPC listen URL\nrpc_listen = \"tcp://\"\n\n# Path to the blockchain database directory\ndatabase = \"~/.local/darkfi/darkfid/localnet\"\n\n# Finalization threshold, denominated by number of blocks\nthreshold = 3\n\n# minerd JSON-RPC endpoint\nminerd_endpoint = \"tcp://\"\n\n# PoW block production target, in seconds\npow_target = 10\n\n# Optional fixed PoW difficulty, used for testing\npow_fixed_difficulty = 1\n\n# Participate in block production\nminer = true\n\n# Wallet address to receive mining rewards.\n# This is a dummy one so the miner can start,\n# replace with your own one.\nrecipient = \"5ZHfYpt4mpJcwBNxfEyxLzeFJUEeoePs5NQ5jVEgHrMf\"\n\n# Optional contract spend hook to use in the mining reward\n#spend_hook = \"YOUR_SPEND_HOOK_HERE\"\n\n# Optional user data to use in the mining reward\n#user_data = \"YOUR_USER_DATA_HERE\"\n\n# Skip syncing process and start node right away\nskip_sync = true\n\n# Disable transaction\'s fee verification, used for testing\nskip_fees = false\n\n# Optional sync checkpoint height\n#checkpoint_height = 0\n\n# Optional sync checkpoint hash\n#checkpoint = \"\"\n\n# Optional bootstrap timestamp\n#bootstrap = 1712581283\n\n# Garbage collection task transactions batch size\ntxs_batch_size = 50\n\n## Localnet P2P network settings\n[network_config.\"localnet\".net]\n# P2P accept addresses the instance listens on for inbound connections\ninbound = [\"tcp+tls://\"]\n\n# P2P external addresses the instance advertises so other peers can\n# reach us and connect to us, as long as inbound addrs are configured.\n#external_addrs = []\n\n# Peer nodes to manually connect to\n#peers = []\n\n# Seed nodes to connect to for peer discovery and/or adversising our\n# own external addresses\n#seeds = []\n\n# Whitelisted network transports for outbound connections\n#allowed_transports = [\"tcp+tls\"]\n\n# Allow transport mixing (e.g. Tor would be allowed to connect to `tcp://`)\n#transport_mixing = true\n\n# Outbound connection slots number, this many connections will be\n# attempted. (This does not include manual connections)\n#outbound_connections = 8\n\n# Inbound connections slots number, this many active inbound connections\n# will be allowed. (This does not include manual or outbound connections)\n#inbound_connections = 8\n\n## White connection percent\n# gold_connect_count = 2\n\n## White connection percent\n# white_connect_percent = 70\n\n# Manual connections retry limit, 0 for forever looping\n#manual_attempt_limit = 0\n\n# Outbound connection timeout (in seconds)\n#outbound_connect_timeout = 10\n\n# Exchange versions (handshake) timeout (in seconds)\n#channel_handshake_timeout = 4\n\n# Ping-pong exchange execution interval (in seconds)\n#channel_heartbeat_interval = 10\n\n# Allow localnet hosts\nlocalnet = true\n\n# Cooling off time for peer discovery when unsuccessful\n#outbound_peer_discovery_cooloff_time = 30\n\n# Time between peer discovery attempts\n#outbound_peer_discovery_attempt_time = 5\n\n# Testnet blockchain network configuration\n[network_config.\"testnet\"]\n# JSON-RPC listen URL\nrpc_listen = \"tcp://\"\n\n# Path to the blockchain database directory\ndatabase = \"~/.local/darkfi/darkfid/testnet\"\n\n# Finalization threshold, denominated by number of blocks\nthreshold = 6\n\n# minerd JSON-RPC endpoint\nminerd_endpoint = \"tcp://\"\n\n# PoW block production target, in seconds\npow_target = 90\n\n# Participate in block production\nminer = false\n\n# Wallet address to receive mining rewards.\n#recipient = \"YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS_HERE\"\n\n# Optional contract spend hook to use in the mining reward\n#spend_hook = \"YOUR_SPEND_HOOK_HERE\"\n\n# Optional user data to use in the mining reward\n#user_data = \"YOUR_USER_DATA_HERE\"\n\n# Skip syncing process and start node right away\nskip_sync = false\n\n# Disable transaction\'s fee verification, used for testing\nskip_fees = false\n\n# Optional sync checkpoint height\n#checkpoint_height = 0\n\n# Optional sync checkpoint hash\n#checkpoint = \"\"\n\n# Optional bootstrap timestamp\n#bootstrap = 1712581283\n\n# Garbage collection task transactions batch size\ntxs_batch_size = 50\n\n## Testnet P2P network settings\n[network_config.\"testnet\".net]\n# P2P accept addresses the instance listens on for inbound connections\n# You can also use an IPv6 address\ninbound = [\"tcp+tls://\"]\n# IPv6 version:\n#inbound = [\"tcp+tls://[::]:8342\"]\n# Combined:\n#inbound = [\"tcp+tls://\", \"tcp+tls://[::]:8342\"]\n\n# P2P external addresses the instance advertises so other peers can\n# reach us and connect to us, as long as inbound addrs are configured.\n# You can also use an IPv6 address\n#external_addrs = [\"tcp+tls://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:8342\"]\n# IPv6 version:\n#external_addrs = [\"tcp+tls://[ipv6 address here]:8342\"]\n# Combined:\n#external_addrs = [\"tcp+tls://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:8342\", \"tcp+tls://[ipv6 address here]:8342\"]\n\n# Peer nodes to manually connect to\n#peers = []\n\n# Seed nodes to connect to for peer discovery and/or adversising our\n# own external addresses\nseeds = [\"tcp+tls://\", \"tcp+tls://\"]\n\n# Whitelisted network transports for outbound connections\nallowed_transports = [\"tcp+tls\"]\n\n# Allow transport mixing (e.g. Tor would be allowed to connect to `tcp://`)\n#transport_mixing = true\n\n# Outbound connection slots number, this many connections will be\n# attempted. (This does not include manual connections)\noutbound_connections = 8\n\n# Inbound connections slots number, this many active inbound connections\n# will be allowed. (This does not include manual or outbound connections)\n#inbound_connections = 0\n\n# Manual connections retry limit, 0 for forever looping\n#manual_attempt_limit = 0\n\n# Outbound connection timeout (in seconds)\n#outbound_connect_timeout = 10\n\n# Exchange versions (handshake) timeout (in seconds)\n#channel_handshake_timeout = 4\n\n# Ping-pong exchange execution interval (in seconds)\n#channel_heartbeat_interval = 10\n\n# Allow localnet hosts\nlocalnet = false\n\n# Cooling off time for peer discovery when unsuccessful\n#outbound_peer_discovery_cooloff_time = 30\n\n# Time between peer discovery attempts\n#outbound_peer_discovery_attempt_time = 5\n\n# Mainnet blockchain network configuration\n[network_config.\"mainnet\"]\n# JSON-RPC listen URL\nrpc_listen = \"tcp://\"\n\n# Path to the blockchain database directory\ndatabase = \"~/.local/darkfi/darkfid/mainnet\"\n\n# Finalization threshold, denominated by number of blocks\nthreshold = 11\n\n# minerd JSON-RPC endpoint\nminerd_endpoint = \"tcp://\"\n\n# PoW block production target, in seconds\npow_target = 90\n\n# Participate in block production\nminer = false\n\n# Wallet address to receive mining rewards.\n#recipient = \"YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS_HERE\"\n\n# Optional contract spend hook to use in the mining reward\n#spend_hook = \"YOUR_SPEND_HOOK_HERE\"\n\n# Optional user data to use in the mining reward\n#user_data = \"YOUR_USER_DATA_HERE\"\n\n# Skip syncing process and start node right away\nskip_sync = false\n\n# Disable transaction\'s fee verification, used for testing\nskip_fees = false\n\n# Optional sync checkpoint height\n#checkpoint_height = 0\n\n# Optional sync checkpoint hash\n#checkpoint = \"\"\n\n# Optional bootstrap timestamp\n#bootstrap = 1712581283\n\n# Garbage collection task transactions batch size\ntxs_batch_size = 50\n\n## Mainnet P2P network settings\n[network_config.\"mainnet\".net]\n# P2P accept addresses the instance listens on for inbound connections\n# You can also use an IPv6 address\ninbound = [\"tcp+tls://\"]\n# IPv6 version:\n#inbound = [\"tcp+tls://[::]:8442\"]\n# Combined:\n#inbound = [\"tcp+tls://\", \"tcp+tls://[::]:8442\"]\n\n# P2P external addresses the instance advertises so other peers can\n# reach us and connect to us, as long as inbound addrs are configured.\n# You can also use an IPv6 address\n#external_addrs = [\"tcp+tls://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:8442\"]\n# IPv6 version:\n#external_addrs = [\"tcp+tls://[ipv6 address here]:8442\"]\n# Combined:\n#external_addrs = [\"tcp+tls://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:8442\", \"tcp+tls://[ipv6 address here]:8442\"]\n\n# Peer nodes to manually connect to\n#peers = []\n\n# Seed nodes to connect to for peer discovery and/or adversising our\n# own external addresses\nseeds = [\"tcp+tls://\", \"tcp+tls://\"]\n\n# Whitelisted network transports for outbound connections\nallowed_transports = [\"tcp+tls\"]\n\n# Allow transport mixing (e.g. Tor would be allowed to connect to `tcp://`)\n#transport_mixing = true\n\n# Outbound connection slots number, this many connections will be\n# attempted. (This does not include manual connections)\noutbound_connections = 8\n\n# Inbound connections slots number, this many active inbound connections\n# will be allowed. (This does not include manual or outbound connections)\n#inbound_connections = 0\n\n# Manual connections retry limit, 0 for forever looping\n#manual_attempt_limit = 0\n\n# Outbound connection timeout (in seconds)\n#outbound_connect_timeout = 10\n\n# Exchange versions (handshake) timeout (in seconds)\n#channel_handshake_timeout = 4\n\n# Ping-pong exchange execution interval (in seconds)\n#channel_heartbeat_interval = 10\n\n# Allow localnet hosts\nlocalnet = false\n\n# Cooling off time for peer discovery when unsuccessful\n#outbound_peer_discovery_cooloff_time = 30\n\n# Time between peer discovery attempts\n#outbound_peer_discovery_attempt_time = 5\n\n# Nodes to avoid interacting with for the duration of the program, in the\n# format [\"host\", [\"scheme\", \"scheme\"], [port, port]].\n# If scheme is left empty it will default to \"tcp+tls\". \n# If ports are left empty all ports from this peer will be blocked.\n#blacklist = [[\"\", [\"tcp\"], [8551, 23331]]]\n";