Trait darkfi::zk::halo2::Layouter

pub trait Layouter<F>
where F: Field,
{ type Root: Layouter<F>; // Required methods fn assign_region<A, AR, N, NR>( &mut self, name: N, assignment: A, ) -> Result<AR, Error> where A: FnMut(Region<'_, F>) -> Result<AR, Error>, N: Fn() -> NR, NR: Into<String>; fn assign_table<A, N, NR>( &mut self, name: N, assignment: A, ) -> Result<(), Error> where A: FnMut(Table<'_, F>) -> Result<(), Error>, N: Fn() -> NR, NR: Into<String>; fn constrain_instance( &mut self, cell: Cell, column: Column<Instance>, row: usize, ) -> Result<(), Error>; fn get_root(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Root; fn push_namespace<NR, N>(&mut self, name_fn: N) where NR: Into<String>, N: FnOnce() -> NR; fn pop_namespace(&mut self, gadget_name: Option<String>); // Provided method fn namespace<NR, N>( &mut self, name_fn: N, ) -> NamespacedLayouter<'_, F, Self::Root> where NR: Into<String>, N: FnOnce() -> NR { ... } }
Expand description

A layout strategy within a circuit. The layouter is chip-agnostic and applies its strategy to the context and config it is given.

This abstracts over the circuit assignments, handling row indices etc.

Required Associated Types§

type Root: Layouter<F>

Represents the type of the “root” of this layouter, so that nested namespaces can minimize indirection.

Required Methods§

fn assign_region<A, AR, N, NR>( &mut self, name: N, assignment: A, ) -> Result<AR, Error>
where A: FnMut(Region<'_, F>) -> Result<AR, Error>, N: Fn() -> NR, NR: Into<String>,

Assign a region of gates to an absolute row number.

Inside the closure, the chip may freely use relative offsets; the Layouter will treat these assignments as a single “region” within the circuit. Outside this closure, the Layouter is allowed to optimise as it sees fit.

fn assign_region(&mut self, || "region name", |region| {
    let config = chip.config();
    region.assign_advice(config.a, offset, || { Some(value)});

fn assign_table<A, N, NR>( &mut self, name: N, assignment: A, ) -> Result<(), Error>
where A: FnMut(Table<'_, F>) -> Result<(), Error>, N: Fn() -> NR, NR: Into<String>,

Assign a table region to an absolute row number.

fn assign_table(&mut self, || "table name", |table| {
    let config = chip.config();
    table.assign_fixed(config.a, offset, || { Some(value)});

fn constrain_instance( &mut self, cell: Cell, column: Column<Instance>, row: usize, ) -> Result<(), Error>

Constrains a [Cell] to equal an instance column’s row value at an absolute position.

fn get_root(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Root

Gets the “root” of this assignment, bypassing the namespacing.

Not intended for downstream consumption; use Layouter::namespace instead.

fn push_namespace<NR, N>(&mut self, name_fn: N)
where NR: Into<String>, N: FnOnce() -> NR,

Creates a new (sub)namespace and enters into it.

Not intended for downstream consumption; use Layouter::namespace instead.

fn pop_namespace(&mut self, gadget_name: Option<String>)

Exits out of the existing namespace.

Not intended for downstream consumption; use Layouter::namespace instead.

Provided Methods§

fn namespace<NR, N>( &mut self, name_fn: N, ) -> NamespacedLayouter<'_, F, Self::Root>
where NR: Into<String>, N: FnOnce() -> NR,

Enters into a namespace.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.



impl<'a, F, L> Layouter<F> for NamespacedLayouter<'a, F, L>
where F: Field, L: Layouter<F> + 'a,


type Root = <L as Layouter<F>>::Root


impl<'p, 'a, F, CS> Layouter<F> for V1Pass<'p, 'a, F, CS>
where F: Field, CS: Assignment<F> + 'a,


type Root = V1Pass<'p, 'a, F, CS>