
Module pasta_prelude

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Convenience module to import all the pasta traits. You still have to import the curves.


  • Efficient representation of an elliptic curve point guaranteed.
  • This trait is the affine counterpart to Curve and is used for serialization, storage in memory, and inspection of $x$ and $y$ coordinates.
  • This trait is a common interface for dealing with elements of an elliptic curve group in a “projective” form, where that arithmetic is usually more efficient.
  • This trait represents an element of a field.
  • Trait for constructing a PrimeField element from a fixed-length uniform byte array.
  • This trait represents an element of a cryptographic group.
  • Affine representation of an elliptic curve point guaranteed to be in the correct prime order subgroup.
  • This represents an element of a non-binary prime field.