/* This file is part of DarkFi (https://dark.fi)
* Copyright (C) 2020-2025 Dyne.org foundation
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use darkfi::{
tx::{ContractCallLeaf, Transaction, TransactionBuilder},
use darkfi_deployooor_contract::{client::deploy_v1::DeployCallBuilder, DeployFunction};
use darkfi_money_contract::{
client::{MoneyNote, OwnCoin},
use darkfi_sdk::{
crypto::{contract_id::DEPLOYOOOR_CONTRACT_ID, MerkleNode},
use darkfi_serial::AsyncEncodable;
use log::debug;
use super::{Holder, TestHarness};
impl TestHarness {
/// Create a `Deployooor::Deploy` transaction with the given WASM bincode.
/// Returns the [`Transaction`], and necessary parameters.
pub async fn deploy_contract(
&mut self,
holder: &Holder,
wasm_bincode: Vec<u8>,
block_height: u32,
) -> Result<(Transaction, DeployParamsV1, Option<MoneyFeeParamsV1>)> {
let wallet = self.holders.get(holder).unwrap();
let deploy_keypair = wallet.contract_deploy_authority;
// Build the contract call
let builder = DeployCallBuilder { deploy_keypair, wasm_bincode, deploy_ix: vec![] };
let debris = builder.build()?;
// Encode the call
let mut data = vec![DeployFunction::DeployV1 as u8];
debris.params.encode_async(&mut data).await?;
let call = ContractCall { contract_id: *DEPLOYOOOR_CONTRACT_ID, data };
let mut tx_builder =
TransactionBuilder::new(ContractCallLeaf { call, proofs: vec![] }, vec![])?;
// If we have tx fees enabled, make an offering
let mut fee_params = None;
let mut fee_signature_secrets = None;
if self.verify_fees {
let mut tx = tx_builder.build()?;
let sigs = tx.create_sigs(&[deploy_keypair.secret])?;
tx.signatures = vec![sigs];
let (fee_call, fee_proofs, fee_secrets, _spent_fee_coins, fee_call_params) =
self.append_fee_call(holder, tx, block_height, &[]).await?;
// Append the fee call to the transaction
tx_builder.append(ContractCallLeaf { call: fee_call, proofs: fee_proofs }, vec![])?;
fee_signature_secrets = Some(fee_secrets);
fee_params = Some(fee_call_params);
// Now build the actual transaction and sign it with necessary keys.
let mut tx = tx_builder.build()?;
let sigs = tx.create_sigs(&[deploy_keypair.secret])?;
tx.signatures = vec![sigs];
if let Some(fee_signature_secrets) = fee_signature_secrets {
let sigs = tx.create_sigs(&fee_signature_secrets)?;
Ok((tx, debris.params, fee_params))
/// Execute the transaction created by `deploy_contract()` for a given [`Holder`].
/// Returns any found [`OwnCoin`]s.
pub async fn execute_deploy_tx(
&mut self,
holder: &Holder,
tx: Transaction,
_params: &DeployParamsV1,
fee_params: &Option<MoneyFeeParamsV1>,
block_height: u32,
append: bool,
) -> Result<Vec<OwnCoin>> {
let wallet = self.holders.get_mut(holder).unwrap();
// Execute the transaction
wallet.add_transaction("deploy::deploy", tx, block_height).await?;
if !append {
return Ok(vec![])
if let Some(ref fee_params) = fee_params {
let nullifier = fee_params.input.nullifier.inner();
.insert_batch(vec![(nullifier, nullifier)])
if let Some(spent_coin) = wallet
.find(|x| x.nullifier() == fee_params.input.nullifier)
debug!("Found spent OwnCoin({}) for {:?}", spent_coin.coin, holder);
wallet.unspent_money_coins.retain(|x| x.nullifier() != fee_params.input.nullifier);
let Ok(note) = fee_params.output.note.decrypt::<MoneyNote>(&wallet.keypair.secret)
else {
return Ok(vec![])
let owncoin = OwnCoin {
coin: fee_params.output.coin,
note: note.clone(),
secret: wallet.keypair.secret,
leaf_position: wallet.money_merkle_tree.mark().unwrap(),
debug!("Found new OwnCoin({}) for {:?}", owncoin.coin, holder);
return Ok(vec![owncoin])