/* This file is part of DarkFi (https://dark.fi)
* Copyright (C) 2020-2025 Dyne.org foundation
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! This API is crufty. Please rework it into something nice to read and nice to use.
use darkfi::{
zk::{Proof, ProvingKey},
ClientFailed, Result,
use darkfi_sdk::{
note::AeadEncryptedNote, pasta_prelude::*, BaseBlind, Blind, FuncId, MerkleTree, PublicKey,
ScalarBlind, SecretKey,
use darkfi_serial::serialize;
use log::{debug, error};
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
use crate::{
proof::{create_transfer_burn_proof, create_transfer_mint_proof},
TransferCallInput, TransferCallOutput,
MoneyNote, OwnCoin,
model::{Input, MoneyTransferParamsV1, Output, TokenId},
pub struct SwapCallDebris {
pub params: MoneyTransferParamsV1,
pub proofs: Vec<Proof>,
pub signature_secret: SecretKey,
/// Struct holding necessary information to build a `Money::OtcSwapV1` contract call.
/// This is used to build half of the swap transaction, so both parties have to build
/// their halves and combine them.
pub struct SwapCallBuilder {
/// Party's public key for receiving the output
pub pubkey: PublicKey,
/// The value of the party's input to swap (send)
pub value_send: u64,
/// The token ID of the party's input to swap (send)
pub token_id_send: TokenId,
/// The value of the party's output to receive
pub value_recv: u64,
/// The token ID of the party's output to receive
pub token_id_recv: TokenId,
/// User data blind for the party's input
pub user_data_blind_send: BaseBlind,
/// Spend hook for the party's output
pub spend_hook_recv: FuncId,
/// User data for the party's output
pub user_data_recv: pallas::Base,
/// The blinds to be used for value pedersen commitments
/// `[0]` is used for input 0 and output 1, and `[1]` is
/// used for input 1 and output 0. The same applies to
/// `token_blinds`.
pub value_blinds: [ScalarBlind; 2],
/// The blinds to be used for token ID pedersen commitments
pub token_blinds: [BaseBlind; 2],
/// The coin to be used as the input to the swap
pub coin: OwnCoin,
/// Merkle tree of coins used to create inclusion proofs
pub tree: MerkleTree,
/// `Mint_V1` zkas circuit ZkBinary
pub mint_zkbin: ZkBinary,
/// Proving key for the `Mint_V1` zk circuit
pub mint_pk: ProvingKey,
/// `Burn_V1` zkas circuit ZkBinary
pub burn_zkbin: ZkBinary,
/// Proving key for the `Burn_V1` zk circuit
pub burn_pk: ProvingKey,
impl SwapCallBuilder {
pub fn build(&self) -> Result<SwapCallDebris> {
debug!(target: "contract::money::client::swap", "Building half of Money::OtcSwapV1 contract call");
if self.value_send == 0 {
error!(target: "contract::money::client::swap", "Error: Value send is 0");
return Err(ClientFailed::InvalidAmount(self.value_send).into())
if self.value_recv == 0 {
error!(target: "contract::money::client::swap", "Error: Value receive is 0");
return Err(ClientFailed::InvalidAmount(self.value_recv).into())
if self.token_id_send.inner() == pallas::Base::ZERO {
error!(target: "contract::money::client::swap", "Error: Token send is ZERO");
return Err(ClientFailed::InvalidTokenId(self.token_id_send.to_string()).into())
if self.token_id_recv.inner() == pallas::Base::ZERO {
error!(target: "contract::money::client::swap", "Error: Token receive is ZERO");
return Err(ClientFailed::InvalidTokenId(self.token_id_recv.to_string()).into())
if self.coin.note.value != self.value_send {
return Err(ClientFailed::InvalidAmount(self.coin.note.value).into())
if self.coin.note.token_id != self.token_id_send {
return Err(ClientFailed::InvalidTokenId(self.coin.note.token_id.to_string()).into())
let input = TransferCallInput {
coin: self.coin.clone(),
merkle_path: self.tree.witness(self.coin.leaf_position, 0).unwrap(),
user_data_blind: self.user_data_blind_send,
let output = TransferCallOutput {
public_key: self.pubkey,
value: self.value_recv,
token_id: self.token_id_recv,
spend_hook: FuncId::none(),
user_data: pallas::Base::ZERO,
blind: Blind::random(&mut OsRng),
// Now we fill this with necessary stuff
let mut params = MoneyTransferParamsV1 { inputs: vec![], outputs: vec![] };
// Create a new ephemeral secret key
let signature_secret = SecretKey::random(&mut OsRng);
let mut proofs = vec![];
debug!(target: "contract::money::client::swap", "Creating burn proof for input");
let (proof, public_inputs) = create_transfer_burn_proof(
params.inputs.push(Input {
value_commit: public_inputs.value_commit,
token_commit: public_inputs.token_commit,
nullifier: public_inputs.nullifier,
merkle_root: public_inputs.merkle_root,
user_data_enc: public_inputs.user_data_enc,
signature_public: public_inputs.signature_public,
// For the output, we create a new coin blind
let coin_blind = Blind::random(&mut OsRng);
debug!(target: "contract::money::client::swap", "Creating mint proof for output");
let (proof, public_inputs) = create_transfer_mint_proof(
// Encrypted note
let note = MoneyNote {
value: output.value,
token_id: output.token_id,
spend_hook: self.spend_hook_recv,
user_data: self.user_data_recv,
value_blind: self.value_blinds[1],
token_blind: self.token_blinds[1],
// Here we store our secret key we use for signing
memo: serialize(&signature_secret),
let encrypted_note = AeadEncryptedNote::encrypt(¬e, &self.pubkey, &mut OsRng)?;
params.outputs.push(Output {
value_commit: public_inputs.value_commit,
token_commit: public_inputs.token_commit,
coin: public_inputs.coin,
note: encrypted_note,
// Now we should have all the params, zk proofs, and signature secrets.
// We return it all and let the caller deal with it.
let debris = SwapCallDebris { params, proofs, signature_secret };