use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
use darkfi::{
tx::{ContractCallLeaf, Transaction, TransactionBuilder},
Error, Result,
use darkfi_deployooor_contract::{
client::{deploy_v1::DeployCallBuilder, lock_v1::LockCallBuilder},
use darkfi_sdk::{
crypto::{ContractId, Keypair, DEPLOYOOOR_CONTRACT_ID},
use darkfi_serial::{deserialize_async, serialize_async, AsyncEncodable};
use rusqlite::types::Value;
use crate::{convert_named_params, error::WalletDbResult, Drk};
lazy_static! {
pub static ref DEPLOY_AUTH_TABLE: String =
format!("{}_deploy_auth", DEPLOYOOOR_CONTRACT_ID.to_string());
pub const DEPLOY_AUTH_COL_ID: &str = "id";
pub const DEPLOY_AUTH_COL_DEPLOY_AUTHORITY: &str = "deploy_authority";
pub const DEPLOY_AUTH_COL_IS_FROZEN: &str = "is_frozen";
impl Drk {
pub fn initialize_deployooor(&self) -> WalletDbResult<()> {
let wallet_schema = include_str!("../deploy.sql");
pub async fn deploy_auth_keygen(&self) -> WalletDbResult<()> {
eprintln!("Generating a new keypair");
let keypair = Keypair::random(&mut OsRng);
let query = format!(
"INSERT INTO {} ({}, {}) VALUES (?1, ?2);",
self.wallet.exec_sql(&query, rusqlite::params![serialize_async(&keypair).await, 0])?;
eprintln!("Created new contract deploy authority");
println!("Contract ID: {}", ContractId::derive_public(keypair.public));
pub async fn list_deploy_auth(&self) -> Result<Vec<(i64, ContractId, bool)>> {
let rows = match self.wallet.query_multiple(&DEPLOY_AUTH_TABLE, &[], &[]) {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(e) => {
return Err(Error::DatabaseError(format!(
"[list_deploy_auth] Deploy auth retrieval failed: {e:?}",
let mut ret = Vec::with_capacity(rows.len());
for row in rows {
let Value::Integer(idx) = row[0] else {
return Err(Error::ParseFailed("[list_deploy_auth] Failed to parse index"))
let Value::Blob(ref auth_bytes) = row[1] else {
return Err(Error::ParseFailed("[list_deploy_auth] Failed to parse keypair bytes"))
let deploy_auth: Keypair = deserialize_async(auth_bytes).await?;
let Value::Integer(frozen) = row[2] else {
return Err(Error::ParseFailed("[list_deploy_auth] Failed to parse \"is_frozen\""))
ret.push((idx, ContractId::derive_public(deploy_auth.public), frozen != 0))
async fn get_deploy_auth(&self, idx: u64) -> Result<Keypair> {
let row = match self.wallet.query_single(
convert_named_params! {(DEPLOY_AUTH_COL_ID, idx)},
) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => {
return Err(Error::DatabaseError(format!(
"[deploy_contract] Failed to retrieve deploy authority keypair: {e:?}"
let Value::Blob(ref keypair_bytes) = row[0] else {
return Err(Error::ParseFailed("[deploy_contract] Failed to parse keypair bytes"))
let keypair: Keypair = deserialize_async(keypair_bytes).await?;
pub async fn deploy_contract(
deploy_auth: u64,
wasm_bincode: Vec<u8>,
deploy_ix: Vec<u8>,
) -> Result<Transaction> {
let deploy_keypair = self.get_deploy_auth(deploy_auth).await?;
let deploy_call = DeployCallBuilder { deploy_keypair, wasm_bincode, deploy_ix };
let deploy_debris =;
let mut data = vec![DeployFunction::DeployV1 as u8];
deploy_debris.params.encode_async(&mut data).await?;
let call = ContractCall { contract_id: *DEPLOYOOOR_CONTRACT_ID, data };
let mut tx_builder =
TransactionBuilder::new(ContractCallLeaf { call, proofs: vec![] }, vec![])?;
let mut tx =;
let sigs = tx.create_sigs(&[deploy_keypair.secret])?;
tx.signatures = vec![sigs];
pub async fn lock_contract(&self, deploy_auth: u64) -> Result<Transaction> {
let deploy_keypair = self.get_deploy_auth(deploy_auth).await?;
let lock_call = LockCallBuilder { deploy_keypair };
let lock_debris =;
let mut data = vec![DeployFunction::LockV1 as u8];
lock_debris.params.encode_async(&mut data).await?;
let call = ContractCall { contract_id: *DEPLOYOOOR_CONTRACT_ID, data };
let mut tx_builder =
TransactionBuilder::new(ContractCallLeaf { call, proofs: vec![] }, vec![])?;
let mut tx =;
let sigs = tx.create_sigs(&[deploy_keypair.secret])?;
tx.signatures = vec![sigs];