Anonymous Smart Contracts

Every full node is a verifier.

Prover is the person executing the smart contract function on their secret witness data. They are also verifiers in our model.

Lets take a pseudocode smart contract:

contract Dao {
    # 1: the DAO's global state
    dao_bullas = DaoBulla[]
    proposal_bullas = ProposalBulla[]
    proposal_nulls = ProposalNull[]

    # 2. a public smart contract function
    #    there can be many of these
    fn mint(...) {


Important Invariants

  1. The state of a contract (the contract member values) is globally readable but only writable by that contract's functions.
  2. Transactions are atomic. If a subsequent contract function call fails then the earlier ones are also invalid. The entire tx will be rolled back.
  3. foo_contract::bar_func::validate::process() is able to access the entire transaction to perform validation on its structure. It might need to enforce requirements on the calldata of other function calls within the same tx. See DAO::exec().

Global Smart Contract State

Internally we could represent this smart contract like this:

mod dao_contract {
    // Corresponds to 2. mint()
    // Prover specific
    struct MintCall {
        // secret witness values for prover

    impl MintCall {
        fn new(...) -> Self {

        fn make() -> FuncCall {

    // Verifier code
    struct MintParams {
        // contains the function call data

There is a pipeline where the prover runs MintCall::make() to create the MintParams object that is then broadcast to the verifiers through the p2p network.

The CallData usually is the public values exported from a ZK proof. Essentially it is the data used by the verifier to check the function call for DAO::mint().

Atomic Transactions

Transactions represent several function call invocations that are atomic. If any function call fails, the entire tx is rejected. Additionally some smart contracts might impose additional conditions on the transaction's structure or other function calls (such as their call data).

/// A Transaction contains an arbitrary number of `ContractCall` objects,
/// along with corresponding ZK proofs and Schnorr signatures. `DarkLeaf`
/// is used to map relations between contract calls in the transaction.
#[derive(Clone, Default, Eq, PartialEq, SerialEncodable, SerialDecodable)]
pub struct Transaction {
    /// Calls executed in this transaction
    pub calls: Vec<DarkLeaf<ContractCall>>,
    /// Attached ZK proofs
    pub proofs: Vec<Vec<Proof>>,
    /// Attached Schnorr signatures
    pub signatures: Vec<Vec<Signature>>,

Function calls represent mutations of the current active state to a new state.

/// A ContractCall is the part of a transaction that executes a certain
/// `contract_id` with `data` as the call's payload.
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, SerialEncodable, SerialDecodable)]
pub struct ContractCall {
    /// ID of the contract invoked
    pub contract_id: ContractId,
    /// Call data passed to the contract
    pub data: Vec<u8>,

The contract_id corresponds to the top level module for the contract which includes the global State.

The func_id of a function call corresponds to predefined objects in the submodules:

  • Builder creates the anonymized CallData. Ran by the prover.
  • CallData is the parameters used by the anonymized function call invocation. Verifiers have this.
  • process() that runs the function call on the current state using the CallData.
  • apply() commits the update to the current state taking it to the next state.

An example of a contract_id could represent DAO or Money. Examples of func_id could represent DAO::mint() or Money::transfer().

Each function call invocation is ran using its own process() function.

mod dao_contract {

    // DAO::mint() in the smart contract pseudocode
    mod mint {

        fn process(states: &StateRegistry, func_call_index: usize, parent_tx: &Transaction) -> Result<Update> {
            // we could also change the process() function signature
            // so we pass the func_call itself in
            let func_call = parent_tx.func_calls[func_call_index];
            let call_data = func_call.call_data;
            // It's useful to have the func_call_index within parent_tx because
            // we might want to enforce that it appears at a certain index exactly.
            // So we know the tx is well formed.


process() has access to the entire atomic transaction to enforce correctness. For example combining of function calls is used by the DAO::exec() smart contract function to execute moving money out of the treasury using Money::transfer() within the same transaction.

Additionally smart contracts have access to the global states of all smart contracts on the network, which is needed for some contracts.

Note that during this step, the state is not modified. Modification happens after the process() is run for all function call invocations within the transaction. Assuming they all pass successfully, the updates are then applied at the end. This ensures atomicity property of transactions.

mod dao_contract {

    // DAO::mint() in the smart contract pseudocode
    mod mint {

        // StateRegistry is mutable
        fn apply(states: &mut StateRegistry, update: Update) {

The transaction verification pipeline roughly looks like this:

  1. Loop through all function call invocations within the transaction:
    1. Lookup their respective process() function based off their contract_id. The contract_id and func_id corresponds to the contract and specific function, such as DAO::mint().
    2. Call the process() function and store the update. Halt if this function fails.
  2. Loop through all updates
    1. Lookup specific apply() function based off the contract_id and func_id.
    2. Call apply(update) to finalize the change.

ZK Proofs and Signatures

Lets review again the format of transactions.

/// A Transaction contains an arbitrary number of `ContractCall` objects,
/// along with corresponding ZK proofs and Schnorr signatures. `DarkLeaf`
/// is used to map relations between contract calls in the transaction.
#[derive(Clone, Default, Eq, PartialEq, SerialEncodable, SerialDecodable)]
pub struct Transaction {
    /// Calls executed in this transaction
    pub calls: Vec<DarkLeaf<ContractCall>>,
    /// Attached ZK proofs
    pub proofs: Vec<Vec<Proof>>,
    /// Attached Schnorr signatures
    pub signatures: Vec<Vec<Signature>>,

And corresponding function calls.

/// A ContractCall is the part of a transaction that executes a certain
/// `contract_id` with `data` as the call's payload.
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, SerialEncodable, SerialDecodable)]
pub struct ContractCall {
    /// ID of the contract invoked
    pub contract_id: ContractId,
    /// Call data passed to the contract
    pub data: Vec<u8>,

As we can see the ZK proofs and signatures are separate from the actual call_data interpreted by process(). They are both automatically verified by the VM.

However for verification to work, the ZK proofs also need corresponding public values, and the signatures need the public keys. We do this by exporting these values. (TODO: link the code where this happens)

These methods export the required values needed for the ZK proofs and signature verification from the actual call data itself.

For signature verification, the data we are verifying is simply the entire transactions minus the actual signatures. That's why the signatures are a separate top level field in the transaction.

This section of the book documents smart contract development.

Invoking Contracts

In Solana and Ethereum, when invoking a contract, the call happens directly at the site of calling. That means the calling contract is responsible for constructing the params used to process the instruction.

In our case, it's more complicated since a smart contract function invocation involves ZK proofs with get_metadata() that can be verified in parallel. If we used the above model, we would first have to execute process() before verifying the proofs or signatures.

Also arbitrary invocation allows arbitrary infinite recursion.

The alternative method which is close to what we're doing already, is having the entire callgraph as a tree. Each ContractCall, now has a field called children: Vec<ContractCall>.

pub struct ContractCall {
    /// ID of the contract invoked
    pub contract_id: ContractId,
    /// Call data passed to the contract
    pub data: Vec<u8>,

    /// Contract calls invoked by this one
    pub children: Vec<ContractCall>,

Let n = len(children). Then inside the contract, we are expected to call invoke() exactly n times.

    let (params, retdat) = invoke(function_id);

This doesn't actually invoke any function directly, but just iterates to the next child call in the current call. We should iterate through the entire list. If this doesn't happen, then there's a mismatch and the call fails with an error.

This logic is handled completely inside the contract without needing host functions.

The downside is that the entire calldata for a smart contract is bundled in a tx, and isn't generated on the fly. This makes tx size bigger. However since we need ZK proofs, I expect the calldata would need to bundle the proofs for all invoked calls anyway.

Essentially the entire program trace is created ahead of time by the "prover", and then the verifier simply checks the trace for correctness. This can be done in parallel since we have all the data ahead of time.

Depending on State Changes

Another downside of this model is that state changes at the site of invocation are not immediate.

Currently in DarkFi, we separate contract calls into 2-phases: process() which verifies the calldata, and update() which takes a state update from process() and writes the changes.

Host functions have permissions:

  • process() is READONLY, which means state can only be read. For example it can use db_get() but not db_set().
  • update() is WRITEONLY. It can only write to the state. For example it can use db_set() but not db_get().

Let A, B be smart contract functions. A calls invoke(B). The normal flow in Ethereum would be:

process(A) ->
    invoke(B) ->
        process(B) ->
        update(B) ->

However with the model described, instead would be:

process(B) ->
update(B) ->
process(A) ->

which simulates the previous trace.

State changes occur linearly after all process() calls have passed successfully.

NOTE: we can iterate depth first through the tree to simulate the normal calling pattern.

An upside of this strict separation, is that it makes reentrancy attacks impossible. Say for example we have this code:

contract VulnerableContract {
    function withdraw(amount) {
        // ...;
        balances[sender] -= amount;

contract AttackerContract {
    function receive(amount) {
        if balance(VulnerableContract) >= 1 {

The main recommended way to mitigate these attacks is using the 'checks-effects-interactions' pattern[1] [2]. whereby the code is delineated into 3 strict parts.

contract ChecksEffectsInteractions {
    // ...

    function withdraw(uint amount) public {
        require(balances[msg.sender] >= amount);

        balances[msg.sender] -= amount;


Interactions always occur last since they cause unknown effects. Performing logic based off state changes from an interacting outside contract (especially when user provided) is very risky.

With the model of invoke() given above, we do not have any possibility of such an attack occurring.


We can do this in Rust through clever use of the serializer. Basically there is a special overlay provided for a Model which describes its layout. The layout saves the field names and types. Later this can be provided via a macro.

Then dynamically in the program code, the params can be serialized/deserialized and inspected via this ABI overlay. This enables dynamic calls provided by users to be supported in an elegant and simple way.

The ABI also aids in debugging since when the overlay is loaded, then calldata can be inspected. Then we can inspect txs in Python, with exported ABIs saved as JSON files per contract documenting each function's params.


Custom apps will need to subscribe to blockchain txs, and be able to respond to certain events. In Ethereum, there is a custom mechanism called events. This allows smart contracts to return values to the UI. Events are indexed in the database.

An equivalent mechanism in DarkFi, may be the ability to emit events which wallets can subscribe to. As for storing them an indexed DB, we already offer that functionality with db_set() during the update phase.

The emitted event could consist of the ContractId/FunctionId, an optional list of topics, and a binary blob.

Alternatively, wallets would have to listen to all calls of a specific FunctionId. This allows wallets to only subscribe to some specific aspect of those calls.

Solana by contrast allows the RPC to subscribe to accounts directly. The equivalent in our case, is subscribing to db_set() calls. Wallets can also receive these state changes and reflect them in their UI. An EventEmitter was recently added to Solana.

Adding an explicit event emitter allows sending specific events used for wallets. This makes dev on the UI side much easier. Additionally the cost is low since any events emitted with no subscribers for that contract or not matching the filter will just be immediately dropped.