User Inteface

We are in the stage where we hone our media. For a successful launch, we need the characters, the conflict and the narrative. This message is communicated through a combo of content (articles, posts, memes, vids), the product itself and narrative (weaving our message into the wider convo).

A key aspect of our propaganda is the product itself. When an article or news media is published, they will feature the product itself but not agitprop videos or memes. See this article for a good example.

The product is a way of making the values and message we talk about imminent and real. Immediately our narrative becomes down to earth and less abstract. It becomes tangible and the user can imagine themselves using it.

Why do people use the product?

  • On the most basic level, the cryptocurrency grift that dominates is people wanting to make money. Can they profit? Is there a new tech or market they can gain access to? Will this product's hype cause it to takeoff?

  • Gaining power: privacy is about a will to power over the censors. It's about rebelling and becoming ungovernable. This is our loyalist crowd. On the most basic level it's being able to speak about issues affecting one's community while elsewhere people are being deplatformed or arrested.

The product itself is propaganda. It needs to look so cool that when people make desktop screenshots, they post the app itself. We can even put visualizers for network traffic or price charts. We can have 3D objects like rotating DarkFi logo, a splash screen while loading or an app to explore the dark forest. Whenever we make vids we need cool sound effects.

3D printed guns were able to reach far because they harnessed visual power. Cody said when he first made the gun, he chose white so it had a spectal other-worldy quality.


We can make mockups whose primary aim is to look impressive. Later we can figure out the specifics.

  • Chat
  • DAO
  • Market (buy/sell goods online)
  • Swaps
  • Tasks
  • Calendar
  • About the wallet itself
  • Settings, like firefox about:config
  • Stats, cool shit
  • Backend, change to another one, send a tip and see their info messages.

Impressive UIs

High contrast for maximum impact.

More neon and scifi.

The chat needs a cool blurred background graphic.

Play more with translucency. For example drop down menus.

Study movie UIs. Collect references.


Narodnik's post. The UI is hard to see and got very low engagement.

While lunar_mining's post got much higher engagement despite much less followers.

Takeaways: the lunar mining one has more visibility, and it has more artwork. The Narodnik one looks plain.

Also there's something to be said for demo'ing desktop apps rather than phone. Desktop looks more impressive and you can show more visual elements.

Lastly check this random post. Fake product demos for memecoins get more engagement. We can learn from them though. In the vid, the user opens an app called "Black Market".

People want to feel like hackers. We can deliver them that experience.

Scifi promised us a future that we never got. We live in the age of looking back nostalgically to a time that never existed and yearning for what we lost. In this way people are conjuring back the future, yet no product has stepped up to deliver that so far. Only memecoins are doing it.

This is where like that memecoin product vid above, we can begin manufacturing the imaginary of the future through our product. Like a virus delivering a payload.

Short example: when DarkWallet was announced, it was the first ever web wallet. Immediately 6 web wallets appeared, from which Metamask later grew out of that. Now web wallets have become embedded in the crypto cultural psyche. In this way, when we make propaganda, showing a simple to use but fucking cool looking futuristic product to interact with apps suddenly makes the anon political project seem very tangible and in reach. People then get excited.

anon: I'm not a dev but how can I participate?