
To create an inbound and outbound node, we will need to configure them using net type called Settings. This type consists of several settings that allow you to configure nodes in different ways.

To do this, we'll create a default dchatd_config.toml file at the place specified in CONFIG_FILE_CONTENTS.

# dchatd toml [net] ## P2P accept addresses Required for inbound nodes. inbound=["tcp://"] ## P2P external addresses. Required for inbound nodes. external_addr=["tcp://"] ## Seed nodes to connect to. Required for inbound and outbound nodes. seeds=["tcp://"] ## Outbound connect slots. Required for outbound nodes. outbound_connections = 5

Inbound nodes specify an external address and an inbound address: this is where it will receive connections. Outbound nodes specify the number of outbound connection slots, which is the number of outbound connections the node will try to make, and seed addresses from which it can receive information about other nodes it can connect to. If all of these settings are enabled, the node is both inbound and outbound, i.e. a full node.

Next, we add SettingsOpt to our Args struct. This will allow us to read the fields specified in TOML as the darkfi net type, Settings.

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, StructOpt, StructOptToml)] #[serde(default)] #[structopt(name = "dchat", about = cli_desc!())] struct Args { #[structopt(short, long)] /// Configuration file to use config: Option<String>, #[structopt(short, long)] /// Set log file to ouput into log: Option<String>, #[structopt(short, parse(from_occurrences))] /// Increase verbosity (-vvv supported) verbose: u8, /// P2P network settings #[structopt(flatten)] net: SettingsOpt, }