Sapling payment scheme
Sapling is a type of transaction which hides both the sender and receiver data, as well as the amount transacted. This means it allows a fully private transaction between two addresses.
Generally, the Sapling payment scheme consists of two ZK proofs - mint and burn. We use the mint proof to create a new coin , and we use the burn proof to spend a previously minted coin.
Mint proof
k = 13;
field = "pallas";
constant "Mint" {
EcFixedPointBase NULLIFIER_K,
witness "Mint" {
Base pub_x,
Base pub_y,
Base value,
Base token,
Base serial,
Scalar value_blind,
Scalar token_blind,
circuit "Mint" {
# Poseidon hash of the coin
C = poseidon_hash(pub_x, pub_y, value, token, serial);
# Pedersen commitment for coin's value
vcv = ec_mul_short(value, VALUE_COMMIT_VALUE);
vcr = ec_mul(value_blind, VALUE_COMMIT_RANDOM);
value_commit = ec_add(vcv, vcr);
# Since the value commit is a curve point, we fetch its coordinates
# and constrain them:
value_commit_x = ec_get_x(value_commit);
value_commit_y = ec_get_y(value_commit);
# Pedersen commitment for coin's token ID
tcv = ec_mul_base(token, NULLIFIER_K);
tcr = ec_mul(token_blind, VALUE_COMMIT_RANDOM);
token_commit = ec_add(tcv, tcr);
# Since token_commit is also a curve point, we'll do the same
# coordinate dance:
token_commit_x = ec_get_x(token_commit);
token_commit_y = ec_get_y(token_commit);
# At this point we've enforced all of our public inputs.
As you can see, the Mint
proof basically consists of three
operations. First one is hashing the coin , and after that,
we create Pedersen commitments1 for both the coin's value
and the coin's token ID. On top of the zkas code, we've declared
two constant values that we are going to use for multiplication in
the commitments.
The constrain_instance
call can take any of our assigned variables
and enforce a public input. Public inputs are an array (or vector)
of revealed values used by verifiers to verify a zero knowledge
proof. In the above case of the Mint proof, since we have five calls to
, we would also have an array of five elements that
represent these public inputs. The array's order must match the
order of the constrain_instance
calls since they will be constrained
by their index in the array (which is incremented for every call).
In other words, the vector of public inputs could look like this:
let public_inputs = vec![
And then the Verifier uses these public inputs to verify a given zero knowledge proof.
During the Mint phase we create a new coin , which is bound to the public key . The coin is publicly revealed on the blockchain and added to the Merkle tree.
Let be the coin's value, be the token ID, be the unique serial number for the coin, and be a random blinding value. We create a commitment (hash) of these elements and produce the coin in zero-knowledge:
An interesting thing to keep in mind is that this commitment is extensible, so one could fit an arbitrary amount of different attributes inside it.
Value and token commitments
To have some value for our coin, we ensure it's greater than zero, and then we can create a Pedersen commitment where is the blinding factor for the commitment, and and are two predefined generators:
The token ID can be thought of as an attribute we append to our coin so we can have a differentiation of assets we are working with. In practice, this allows us to work with different tokens, using the same zero-knowledge proof circuit. For this token ID, we can also build a Pedersen commitment where is the token ID, is the blinding factor, and and are predefined generators:
Knowing this we can extend our pseudo-code and build the before-mentioned public inputs for the circuit:
let bincode = include_bytes!("../proof/mint.zk.bin");
let zkbin = ZkBinary::decode(bincode)?;
// ======
// Prover
// ======
// Witness values
let value = 42;
let token_id = pallas::Base::random(&mut OsRng);
let value_blind = pallas::Scalar::random(&mut OsRng);
let token_blind = pallas::Scalar::random(&mut OsRng);
let serial = pallas::Base::random(&mut OsRng);
let public_key = PublicKey::from_secret(SecretKey::random(&mut OsRng));
let (pub_x, pub_y) = public_key.xy();
let prover_witnesses = vec![
// Create the public inputs
let msgs = [pub_x, pub_y, pallas::Base::from(value), token_id, serial];
let coin = poseidon_hash(msgs);
let value_commit = pedersen_commitment_u64(value, value_blind);
let value_coords = value_commit.to_affine().coordinates().unwrap();
let token_commit = pedersen_commitment_base(token_id, token_blind);
let token_coords = token_commit.to_affine().coordinates().unwrap();
let public_inputs = vec![
// Create the circuit
let circuit = ZkCircuit::new(prover_witnesses, zkbin.clone());
let proving_key = ProvingKey::build(13, &circuit);
let proof = Proof::create(&proving_key, &[circuit], &public_inputs, &mut OsRng)?;
// ========
// Verifier
// ========
// Construct empty witnesses
let verifier_witnesses = empty_witnesses(&zkbin);
// Create the circuit
let circuit = ZkCircuit::new(verifier_witnesses, zkbin);
let verifying_key = VerifyingKey::build(13, &circuit);
proof.verify(&verifying_key, &public_inputs)?;
k = 13;
field = "pallas";
constant "Burn" {
EcFixedPointBase NULLIFIER_K,
witness "Burn" {
Base secret,
Base serial,
Base value,
Base token,
Scalar value_blind,
Scalar token_blind,
Uint32 leaf_pos,
MerklePath path,
Base signature_secret,
circuit "Burn" {
# Poseidon hash of the nullifier
nullifier = poseidon_hash(secret, serial);
# Pedersen commitment for coin's value
vcv = ec_mul_short(value, VALUE_COMMIT_VALUE);
vcr = ec_mul(value_blind, VALUE_COMMIT_RANDOM);
value_commit = ec_add(vcv, vcr);
# Since value_commit is a curve point, we fetch its coordinates
# and constrain them:
value_commit_x = ec_get_x(value_commit);
value_commit_y = ec_get_y(value_commit);
# Pedersen commitment for coin's token ID
tcv = ec_mul_base(token, NULLIFIER_K);
tcr = ec_mul(token_blind, VALUE_COMMIT_RANDOM);
token_commit = ec_add(tcv, tcr);
# Since token_commit is also a curve point, we'll do the same
# coordinate dance:
token_commit_x = ec_get_x(token_commit);
token_commit_y = ec_get_y(token_commit);
# Coin hash
pub = ec_mul_base(secret, NULLIFIER_K);
pub_x = ec_get_x(pub);
pub_y = ec_get_y(pub);
C = poseidon_hash(pub_x, pub_y, value, token, serial);
# Merkle root
root = merkle_root(leaf_pos, path, C);
# Finally, we derive a public key for the signature and
# constrain its coordinates:
signature_public = ec_mul_base(signature_secret, NULLIFIER_K);
signature_x = ec_get_x(signature_public);
signature_y = ec_get_y(signature_public);
# At this point we've enforced all of our public inputs.
The Burn
proof consists of operations similar to the Mint
with the addition of a Merkle root2 calculation. In the same
manner, we are doing a Poseidon hash instance, we're building Pedersen
commitments for the value and token ID, and finally we're doing a
public key derivation.
In this case, our vector of public inputs could look like:
let public_inputs = vec![
When we spend the coin, we must ensure that the value of the coin cannot be double spent. We call this the Burn phase. The process relies on a nullifier , which we create using the secret key for the public key and a unique random serial . Nullifiers are unique per coin and prevent double spending:
Merkle root
We check that the merkle root corresponds to a coin which is in the Merkle tree
Value and token commitments
Just like we calculated these for the Mint
proof, we do the same
Public key derivation
We check that the secret key corresponds to a public key . Usually, we do public key derivation my multiplying our secret key with a genera tor , which results in a public key:
Knowing this we can extend our pseudo-code and build the before-mentioned public inputs for the circuit:
let bincode = include_bytes!("../proof/burn.zk.bin");
let zkbin = ZkBinary::decode(bincode)?;
// ======
// Prover
// ======
// Witness values
let value = 42;
let token_id = pallas::Base::random(&mut OsRng);
let value_blind = pallas::Scalar::random(&mut OsRng);
let token_blind = pallas::Scalar::random(&mut OsRng);
let serial = pallas::Base::random(&mut OsRng);
let secret = SecretKey::random(&mut OsRng);
let sig_secret = SecretKey::random(&mut OsRng);
// Build the coin
let coin2 = {
let (pub_x, pub_y) = PublicKey::from_secret(secret).xy();
let messages = [pub_x, pub_y, pallas::Base::from(value), token_id, serial];
// Fill the merkle tree with some random coins that we want to witness,
// and also add the above coin.
let mut tree = BridgeTree::<MerkleNode, 32>::new(100);
let coin0 = pallas::Base::random(&mut OsRng);
let coin1 = pallas::Base::random(&mut OsRng);
let coin3 = pallas::Base::random(&mut OsRng);
let leaf_pos = tree.witness().unwrap();
let root = tree.root(0).unwrap();
let merkle_path = tree.authentication_path(leaf_pos, &root).unwrap();
let leaf_pos: u64 = leaf_pos.into();
let prover_witnesses = vec![
// Create the public inputs
let nullifier = Nullifier::from(poseidon_hash::<2>([secret.inner(), serial]));
let value_commit = pedersen_commitment_u64(value, value_blind);
let value_coords = value_commit.to_affine().coordinates().unwrap();
let token_commit = pedersen_commitment_base(token_id, token_blind);
let token_coords = token_commit.to_affine().coordinates().unwrap();
let sig_pubkey = PublicKey::from_secret(sig_secret);
let (sig_x, sig_y) = sig_pubkey.xy();
let merkle_root = tree.root(0).unwrap();
let public_inputs = vec![
// Create the circuit
let circuit = ZkCircuit::new(prover_witnesses, zkbin.clone());
let proving_key = ProvingKey::build(13, &circuit);
let proof = Proof::create(&proving_key, &[circuit], &public_inputs, &mut OsRng)?;
// ========
// Verifier
// ========
// Construct empty witnesses
let verifier_witnesses = empty_witnesses(&zkbin);
// Create the circuit
let circuit = ZkCircuit::new(verifier_witnesses, zkbin);
let verifying_key = VerifyingKey::build(13, &circuit);
proof.verify(&verifying_key, &public_inputs)?;
See section 3: The Commitment Scheme of Torben Pryds Pedersen's paper on Non-Interactive and Information-Theoretic Secure Verifiable Secret Sharing