Using dnet


A simple tui to explore darkfi p2p network topology. Displays:

  1. Active p2p nodes
  2. Outgoing, incoming, manual and seed sessions
  3. Each associated connection and recent messages.

dnet is based on the design-pattern Model, View, Controller. We create a logical seperation between the underlying data structure or Model; the ui rendering aspect which is the View; and the Controller or game engine that makes everything run.


Using a venv

Dnet requires Python 3.12.0. Make sure Python is installed and on the latest version.

Depending on your setup you may need to install a virtual environment for Python. Do so as follows:

% python -m venv python-env
% source python-env/bin/activate

Then install the requirements:

% pip install -r requirements.txt

Run dnet:

% python

You will need to reactivate the venv in your current terminal session each time you use dnet as follows:

% source python-env/bin/activate

Without a venv

If you don't require a venv, install the requirements and run dnet as follows:

% pip install -r requirements.txt
% python


On first run, dnet will create a config file in the config directory specific to your operating system.

To use dnet you will need to open the config file and modify it. Enter the RPC ports of the nodes you want to connect to and title them as you see fit. The default config file uses localhost, but you can replace this with hostnames or external IP addresses. You must also specify whether it is a NORMAL or a LILITH node.


Navigate up and down using the arrow keys. Scroll the message log using PageUp and PageDown. Type q to quit.


dnet creates a log file in bin/dnet/dnet.log. To see json data and other debug info, tail the file like so:

tail -f dnet.log