
Encrypted tasks management app using peer-to-peer network. Multiple users can collaborate by working on the same tasks, and all users will have synced tasks.


% git clone https://codeberg.org/darkrenaissance/darkfi
% cd darkfi
% make BINS="taud"

If you want to have taud system wide:

% sudo make install BINS="taud"

And then run the daemon:

% taud

For the CLI part of tau, we use tau-python, you can run it with:

% cd bin/tau/tau-python
% ./tau

Or you can alias it by adding this line to your bashrc:

% alias tau=/path-to-darkfi/bin/tau/tau-python/tau


To run your own instance check Local Deployment

% tau --help 

	-h, --help                   Print help information

	add        Add a new task.
	archive    Show completed tasks.
	comment    Write comment for task by id.
	modify     Modify an existing task by id.
	pause      Pause task(s).
	start      Start task(s).
	stop       Stop task(s).
	switch     Switch between configured workspaces.
	show       List filtered tasks.
	help       Show this help text.

Quick start

Add tasks

Add a new task with the title "review tau usage" with the description text "description" set to "review tau".

% tau add review tau usage desc:"review tau"

Add another task with the title "second task" assigned to dave. Because no description is set, it will open your EDITOR and prompt you for a description which allows entering multiline text.

% tau add second task @dave
% tau add Third task project:tau rank:1.1
% tau add Fourth task @dave project:tau due:1509 rank:2.5
% tau add Five

List tasks

% tau				# all non-stop tasks
% tau list			# all non-stop tasks
% tau 1-3			# tasks 1 to 3
% tau show state:open	# list open tasks
% tau rank:2			# all tasks that have rank 2
% tau @dave			# tasks that assign field is "dave"

Filtering tasks

Note: mod commands are: start, open, pause, stop and modify.

Note: All filters from the previous section could work with mod commands.

% tau 5 stop			# will stop task 5
% tau 1,3 start			# start 1 and 3
% tau 2 pause			# pause 2
% tau 2,4 modify due:2009	# edit due to September in tasks 2 and 4 
% tau 1-4 modify project:tau	# edit project to tau in tasks 1,2,3 and 4
% tau state:pause open		# open paused tasks


% tau 1 comment "content foo bar"	# will add a comment to task 1
% tau 3 comment				# will open the editor to write a comment

Export and Import

% tau export ~/example_dir	# will save tasks json files to the path
% tau import ~/example_dir	# will reload saved json files from the path


% tau archive                 # current month's completed tasks
% tau archive 1122            # completed tasks in Nov. 2022
% tau archive 1 1122          # show info of task by it's ID completed in Nov. 2022

Switch workspace

% tau switch darkfi	# darkfi workspace needs to be configured in config file

In addition to indexing tasks by there IDs, one can use their RefID (Reference ID):

% tau SjJ2OANxVIdLivItcrMplpOFbLWgzR
# or
% tau SjJ2OANxV
# or even
% tau SjJ

Local Deployment

Seed Node

First you must run a seed node. The seed node is a static host which nodes can connect to when they first connect to the network. The seed_session simply connects to a seed node and runs protocol_seed, which requests a list of addresses from the seed node and disconnects straight after receiving them.

# P2P accept addresses

Note that the above config doesn't specify an external address since the seed node shouldn't be advertised in the list of connectable nodes. The seed node does not participate as a normal node in the p2p network. It simply allows new nodes to discover other nodes in the network during the bootstrapping phase.

Inbound Node

This is a node accepting inbound connections on the network but which is not making any outbound connections.

The external addresses are important and must be correct.

# P2P accept addresses

# P2P external addresses

# Seed nodes to connect to 

Outbound Node

This is a node which has 8 outbound connection slots and no inbound connections. This means the node has 8 slots which will actively search for unique nodes to connect to in the p2p network.

# Connection slots

# Seed nodes to connect to