Atomic Swaps
In order to do an atomic swap with someone, you will first have to come
to a consensus on what tokens you wish to swap. For example purposes,
let's say you want to swap 40
(which is the balance you
should have left over after doing the payment from the previous page)
for your counterparty's 20
. For this tutorial the counterparty
is yourself.
To protect your anonymity from the counterparty, the swap can only send entire coins. To create a smaller coin denomination, send yourself the amount you want to swap. Then check you have a spendable coin to swap with:
$ ./drk wallet --coins
You'll have to initiate the swap and build your half of the swap tx:
$ ./drk otc init -v 40.0:20.0 -t WCKD:MLDY > half_swap
Then you can send this half_swap
file to your counterparty and they
can create the other half by running:
$ ./drk otc join < half_swap > full_swap
They will sign the full_swap file and send it back to you. Finally, to make the swap transaction valid, you need to sign it as well
$ ./drk otc sign < full_swap > signed_swap
Now that the swap is signed, one of the parties (or a third one) must attach the corresponding fee:
$ ./drk attach-fee < signed_swap > full_swap_with_fee
Since a new call has been added to the transaction, both parties must re-sign the full_swap_with_fee file, one by one.
Party A:
$ ./drk otc sign < full_swap_with_fee > signed_full_swap_with_fee
Party B:
$ ./drk otc sign < signed_full_swap_with_fee > swap_tx
Now the complete swap transaction can be broadcasted:
$ ./drk broadcast < swap_tx
On success, you should see a transaction ID. This transaction will now also be in the mempool, so you should wait again until it's confirmed.
After a while you should see the change in balances in your wallet:
$ ./drk wallet --balance
If you see your counterparty's tokens, that means the swap was successful. In case you still see your old tokens, that could mean that the swap transaction has not yet been confirmed.